General Description of the Disease
The respiratory system has a disease like asthma. Her attacks occur if a foreign body or some allergen, cold or moist air gets into the lungs through the trachea, as a result of physical exertion, causing irritation of the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract, followed by blockage and the occurrence of suffocation. This condition was called asthma. Free breathing with this disease is happy moments for the patient.
When a bronchial attack occurs, the spasms are spasmodic, the lumen narrows, preventing the free flow of air. Now more than half of all asthma cases are diagnosed in children under 10 years old.
Most often, this disease is observed in men. Doctors also note the hereditary component of this disease. Among smokers, asthma is most common. In most cases, patients with asthma cannot predict the duration of the attack and the severity of the disease. Sometimes attacks threaten the life and health of a person if medical assistance is not provided on time.
Read our special article nutrition for the lungs and food for the bronchi . Symptoms of asthma may include: wheezing feeling of panic; difficulty breathing out; sweating painless chest tightness; dry cough. Severe forms of asthma are characterized by the following symptoms:
it is difficult for a person to finish a phrase due to severe shortness of breath; wheezing becomes almost inaudible, since very little air passes through the respiratory tract; lack of oxygen leads to blue lips, tongue, fingers and toes; confused consciousness and coma. Doctors refer to the modern approaches in the treatment of asthma as a compulsory examination for identifying allergens, learning how to respond and self-help with asthma attacks, and choosing medications. There are two main forms of medication - fast-acting relieving symptoms and controlling medications. Useful foods for asthma Doctors recommend that asthmatics follow a strict diet.
. If the allergens are products, then they must be excluded completely from the diet. Food is best steamed, boiled, baked or stewed after boiling. It is also recommended for some products to carry out preliminary special processing. For example, potatoes are soaked before cooking for 12-14 hours, vegetables and cereals are soaked for 1-2 hours, and the meat is subjected to double digestion.
The purpose of the diet is: normalization of immunity; reduction in inflammation; mast cell membrane stabilization; decrease in bronchospasm; removal from the diet of products that provoke seizures; restoration of sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa; decreased intestinal permeability for food allergens. Doctors recommend eating: ghee, linseed, corn, rapeseed, sunflower, soy and olive oil as a source of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids; apples are an affordable source of pectin, which can be consumed both raw and baked, in applesauce or baked with other products; green vegetables: cabbage, squash, zucchini, parsley, young green peas, dill , green beans, light pumpkin - which are an excellent medicine for relaxing the spasmodic smooth muscles of the bronchi; whole grains, lentils , brown rice, sesame seeds, cottage cheese, hard cheeses - provide the body with the necessary amount of dietary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and help to reduce the permeability of the intestinal mucosa and normalize metabolic processes; citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and help in the fight against free radicals, which accumulate in the walls of the bronchi lead to an allergic reaction; pears, plums, light cherries, white and red currants, gooseberries - are bioflavonoids and neutralize the oxidative process in the body; carrots , bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, leafy greens - are rich in beta-carotene and selenium and support the body, increasing its immunity; cereals (except semolina) - a source of vitamin E , fill the body with oxidative reaction products; yogurts without fruit additives, mild cheese - a source of calcium and zinc, so necessary for patients with asthma; the liver is not only an excellent blood-forming product, but also an excellent source of copper, an important component of the normal life of the whole organism; cereals, second-grade wheat bread, legumes, pumpkin seeds , grain breads, simple drying, corn and rice flakes - helps to restore normal immune reactivity of the body and enrich it with zinc; lean meats of beef, rabbit, pork, horse meat, turkey are rich in phosphorus and protein animal products, and also contain dietary fiber necessary for our body.
The basis of the diet for asthma are: vegetarian soups; cereals; lean borscht cooked in water; boiled or steamed meat; calcined cottage cheese; vinaigrettes; vegetable and fruit salads; mashed potatoes; casseroles; vegetable cutlets; fresh raw vegetables; fruit; decoctions of oats and rose hips ; vegetable oil. If signs of asthma or hypersensitivity to foods are identified, an individual menu should be drawn up and gradually expanded as it recovers. Traditional medicine for asthma But non-traditional methods of treatment promise not only the cessation of asthma attacks, but also a complete cure for this disease with prolonged use of recipes: to stop the attacks, you can eat a ripe warmed banana , sprinkled with black pepper; helps infusion of pine green cones and pine resin; all types of asthmatic attacks are treated with a mixture of crushed rhizomes of turmeric and honey; drops of hydrogen peroxide; perfectly helps with asthma infusion of Jerusalem artichoke ; honey - effectively controls asthma attacks; according to grandmother’s recipes for chronic asthma, an infusion of onion husks helps.
Dangerous and harmful foods in asthma Products in this category are a risk group for asthmatics. They must either be completely excluded from the diet, or eat in dosage dosage. These include: fish - herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and nuts - walnuts, cashews, Brazilian, almonds , which, although rich in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, can cause severe bronchial spasms; semolina, pasta; whole milk and sour cream; yogurts with fruit additives; early vegetables - they require mandatory preliminary soaking, as they may contain pesticides harmful to the body; hens; lingonberries, cranberries, blackberries - rich in irritating mucous acid; pure butter; premium bread; rich broths that contain salts of heavy metals, compounds of mercury and arsenic; sharp pickles, fried foods - irritating to the intestines and mucous membranes; smoked meats and spices; sausages and gastronomic products - rich in nitrites and food additives; eggs are the most “asthogenic” product; refractory fats and margarine containing trans fats; kvass, cocoa, coffee , jelly; marshmallows, chocolate, caramel, chewing gum, muffins, pastille, cakes, fresh pastries - due to the large number of artificial ingredients; salt - which is a source of water retention in the body, which for asthmatics can be the cause of severe attacks; Allergic mood can be reduced if food or inhalant allergens are known. These include: pollen of cereal grasses - food grains; sunflower pollen - sunflower seeds; hazel pollen - nuts; daphnia - crabs , crayfish, shrimp; wormwood pollen - food mustard or mustard. Cross food allergies are also found: carrots - parsley, celery; potatoes - tomatoes, eggplant, peppers; strawberries - blackberries, raspberries, currants, lingonberries; legumes - mango, peanuts; Beetroot - Spinach. It is important to detect such foodborne allergens immediately to avoid seizures. Even if allergens only to plant products are detected, the diet should not contain a large amount of animal protein, since it is foreign bacteria of the bacterial, domestic or food direction that are the main provocateurs of asthma attacks.
The respiratory system has a disease like asthma. Her attacks occur if a foreign body or some allergen, cold or moist air gets into the lungs through the trachea, as a result of physical exertion, causing irritation of the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract, followed by blockage and the occurrence of suffocation. This condition was called asthma. Free breathing with this disease is happy moments for the patient.
When a bronchial attack occurs, the spasms are spasmodic, the lumen narrows, preventing the free flow of air. Now more than half of all asthma cases are diagnosed in children under 10 years old.
Most often, this disease is observed in men. Doctors also note the hereditary component of this disease. Among smokers, asthma is most common. In most cases, patients with asthma cannot predict the duration of the attack and the severity of the disease. Sometimes attacks threaten the life and health of a person if medical assistance is not provided on time.
Read our special article nutrition for the lungs and food for the bronchi . Symptoms of asthma may include: wheezing feeling of panic; difficulty breathing out; sweating painless chest tightness; dry cough. Severe forms of asthma are characterized by the following symptoms:
it is difficult for a person to finish a phrase due to severe shortness of breath; wheezing becomes almost inaudible, since very little air passes through the respiratory tract; lack of oxygen leads to blue lips, tongue, fingers and toes; confused consciousness and coma. Doctors refer to the modern approaches in the treatment of asthma as a compulsory examination for identifying allergens, learning how to respond and self-help with asthma attacks, and choosing medications. There are two main forms of medication - fast-acting relieving symptoms and controlling medications. Useful foods for asthma Doctors recommend that asthmatics follow a strict diet.
. If the allergens are products, then they must be excluded completely from the diet. Food is best steamed, boiled, baked or stewed after boiling. It is also recommended for some products to carry out preliminary special processing. For example, potatoes are soaked before cooking for 12-14 hours, vegetables and cereals are soaked for 1-2 hours, and the meat is subjected to double digestion.
The purpose of the diet is: normalization of immunity; reduction in inflammation; mast cell membrane stabilization; decrease in bronchospasm; removal from the diet of products that provoke seizures; restoration of sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa; decreased intestinal permeability for food allergens. Doctors recommend eating: ghee, linseed, corn, rapeseed, sunflower, soy and olive oil as a source of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids; apples are an affordable source of pectin, which can be consumed both raw and baked, in applesauce or baked with other products; green vegetables: cabbage, squash, zucchini, parsley, young green peas, dill , green beans, light pumpkin - which are an excellent medicine for relaxing the spasmodic smooth muscles of the bronchi; whole grains, lentils , brown rice, sesame seeds, cottage cheese, hard cheeses - provide the body with the necessary amount of dietary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and help to reduce the permeability of the intestinal mucosa and normalize metabolic processes; citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and help in the fight against free radicals, which accumulate in the walls of the bronchi lead to an allergic reaction; pears, plums, light cherries, white and red currants, gooseberries - are bioflavonoids and neutralize the oxidative process in the body; carrots , bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, leafy greens - are rich in beta-carotene and selenium and support the body, increasing its immunity; cereals (except semolina) - a source of vitamin E , fill the body with oxidative reaction products; yogurts without fruit additives, mild cheese - a source of calcium and zinc, so necessary for patients with asthma; the liver is not only an excellent blood-forming product, but also an excellent source of copper, an important component of the normal life of the whole organism; cereals, second-grade wheat bread, legumes, pumpkin seeds , grain breads, simple drying, corn and rice flakes - helps to restore normal immune reactivity of the body and enrich it with zinc; lean meats of beef, rabbit, pork, horse meat, turkey are rich in phosphorus and protein animal products, and also contain dietary fiber necessary for our body.
The basis of the diet for asthma are: vegetarian soups; cereals; lean borscht cooked in water; boiled or steamed meat; calcined cottage cheese; vinaigrettes; vegetable and fruit salads; mashed potatoes; casseroles; vegetable cutlets; fresh raw vegetables; fruit; decoctions of oats and rose hips ; vegetable oil. If signs of asthma or hypersensitivity to foods are identified, an individual menu should be drawn up and gradually expanded as it recovers. Traditional medicine for asthma But non-traditional methods of treatment promise not only the cessation of asthma attacks, but also a complete cure for this disease with prolonged use of recipes: to stop the attacks, you can eat a ripe warmed banana , sprinkled with black pepper; helps infusion of pine green cones and pine resin; all types of asthmatic attacks are treated with a mixture of crushed rhizomes of turmeric and honey; drops of hydrogen peroxide; perfectly helps with asthma infusion of Jerusalem artichoke ; honey - effectively controls asthma attacks; according to grandmother’s recipes for chronic asthma, an infusion of onion husks helps.
Dangerous and harmful foods in asthma Products in this category are a risk group for asthmatics. They must either be completely excluded from the diet, or eat in dosage dosage. These include: fish - herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and nuts - walnuts, cashews, Brazilian, almonds , which, although rich in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, can cause severe bronchial spasms; semolina, pasta; whole milk and sour cream; yogurts with fruit additives; early vegetables - they require mandatory preliminary soaking, as they may contain pesticides harmful to the body; hens; lingonberries, cranberries, blackberries - rich in irritating mucous acid; pure butter; premium bread; rich broths that contain salts of heavy metals, compounds of mercury and arsenic; sharp pickles, fried foods - irritating to the intestines and mucous membranes; smoked meats and spices; sausages and gastronomic products - rich in nitrites and food additives; eggs are the most “asthogenic” product; refractory fats and margarine containing trans fats; kvass, cocoa, coffee , jelly; marshmallows, chocolate, caramel, chewing gum, muffins, pastille, cakes, fresh pastries - due to the large number of artificial ingredients; salt - which is a source of water retention in the body, which for asthmatics can be the cause of severe attacks; Allergic mood can be reduced if food or inhalant allergens are known. These include: pollen of cereal grasses - food grains; sunflower pollen - sunflower seeds; hazel pollen - nuts; daphnia - crabs , crayfish, shrimp; wormwood pollen - food mustard or mustard. Cross food allergies are also found: carrots - parsley, celery; potatoes - tomatoes, eggplant, peppers; strawberries - blackberries, raspberries, currants, lingonberries; legumes - mango, peanuts; Beetroot - Spinach. It is important to detect such foodborne allergens immediately to avoid seizures. Even if allergens only to plant products are detected, the diet should not contain a large amount of animal protein, since it is foreign bacteria of the bacterial, domestic or food direction that are the main provocateurs of asthma attacks.
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