Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
Recommendations regarding the nutrition of pregnant women and regarding safe nutrition
The first 1,000 days of life is a three-year period in the life of the fetus and the baby, including nine months of pregnancy and the first two years of the baby's life.
The healthy nutrition of the child during the first 1,000 days of life is extremely important, in view of its influence on the growth and development of the child, the proper development of his brain, immune system and the functional abilities of his body. It is also known that nutrition at an early age affects food intake, nutritional priorities and habits, and on human health in later periods of life - during adulthood and adulthood.
A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy and balanced existence, the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the quality of life throughout its duration.
During pregnancy, nutrition is especially important. The body is preparing for the development of the fetus and for the feeding process. Uterus and placenta tissue develops, and blood supply increases. Normal weight gain promotes the health of women and children and reduces the risk of complications.
- Recent studies prove that a woman’s nutrition during pregnancy, her weight gain and eating habits can affect the cognitive development of the embryo, her tendency to become obese during her life, cardiovascular disease, etc.
- A pregnant woman should notify medical personnel of her health condition and eating habits, such as vegetarianism or veganism, food allergies, digestive problems, or a special diet.
- It must be emphasized that the recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy are intended for healthy pregnant women. Women with special nutritional needs, such as those with diabetes, should consult their healthcare provider and nutritionist. As a rule, it is useful for every pregnant woman to get advice from a nutritionist specialist.
The first 1,000 days of life is a three-year period in the life of the fetus and the baby, including nine months of pregnancy and the first two years of the baby's life.
The healthy nutrition of the child during the first 1,000 days of life is extremely important, in view of its influence on the growth and development of the child, the proper development of his brain, immune system and the functional abilities of his body. It is also known that nutrition at an early age affects food intake, nutritional priorities and habits, and on human health in later periods of life - during adulthood and adulthood.
A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy and balanced existence, the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the quality of life throughout its duration.
During pregnancy, nutrition is especially important. The body is preparing for the development of the fetus and for the feeding process. Uterus and placenta tissue develops, and blood supply increases. Normal weight gain promotes the health of women and children and reduces the risk of complications.
- Recent studies prove that a woman’s nutrition during pregnancy, her weight gain and eating habits can affect the cognitive development of the embryo, her tendency to become obese during her life, cardiovascular disease, etc.
- A pregnant woman should notify medical personnel of her health condition and eating habits, such as vegetarianism or veganism, food allergies, digestive problems, or a special diet.
- It must be emphasized that the recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy are intended for healthy pregnant women. Women with special nutritional needs, such as those with diabetes, should consult their healthcare provider and nutritionist. As a rule, it is useful for every pregnant woman to get advice from a nutritionist specialist.
General nutrition
The Ministry of Health recommends, during pregnancy and at any other time, to eat food according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is known for its healthy qualities and benefits in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease.
The Ministry of Health recommends, during pregnancy and at any other time, to eat food according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is known for its healthy qualities and benefits in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease.
Special nutritional guidelines for pregnancy
- Weight gain during pregnancy
Normal weight before pregnancy and weight gain within the desired range increases the chance of a favorable pregnancy outcome.
Such weight gain reduces the risk of increased blood pressure during pregnancy, preeclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, the need for cesarean section and the birth of a premature baby, and also favorably affects the health of the fetus, both for short and long term. Therefore, we recommend that pregnant women undergo periodic checks at the Tipat Halav / Women's Health Center with a doctor, nurse and nutritionist to monitor their weight, detect early poor nutrition and receive proper nutrition instruction.
- Weight gain during pregnancy
Normal weight before pregnancy and weight gain within the desired range increases the chance of a favorable pregnancy outcome.
Such weight gain reduces the risk of increased blood pressure during pregnancy, preeclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, the need for cesarean section and the birth of a premature baby, and also favorably affects the health of the fetus, both for short and long term. Therefore, we recommend that pregnant women undergo periodic checks at the Tipat Halav / Women's Health Center with a doctor, nurse and nutritionist to monitor their weight, detect early poor nutrition and receive proper nutrition instruction.
Recommendations regarding the nutrition of pregnant women and regarding safe nutrition
The first 1,000 days of life is a three-year period in the life of the fetus and the baby, including nine months of pregnancy and the first two years of the baby's life.
The healthy nutrition of the child during the first 1,000 days of life is extremely important, in view of its influence on the growth and development of the child, the proper development of his brain, immune system and the functional abilities of his body. It is also known that nutrition at an early age affects food intake, nutritional priorities and habits, and on human health in later periods of life - during adulthood and adulthood.
A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy and balanced existence, the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the quality of life throughout its duration.
During pregnancy, nutrition is especially important. The body is preparing for the development of the fetus and for the feeding process. Uterus and placenta tissue develops, and blood supply increases. Normal weight gain promotes the health of women and children and reduces the risk of complications.
- Recent studies prove that a woman’s nutrition during pregnancy, her weight gain and eating habits can affect the cognitive development of the embryo, her tendency to become obese during her life, cardiovascular disease, etc.
- A pregnant woman should notify medical personnel of her health condition and eating habits, such as vegetarianism or veganism, food allergies, digestive problems, or a special diet.
- It must be emphasized that the recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy are intended for healthy pregnant women. Women with special nutritional needs, such as those with diabetes, should consult their healthcare provider and nutritionist. As a rule, it is useful for every pregnant woman to get advice from a nutritionist specialist.
General nutrition
The Ministry of Health recommends, during pregnancy and at any other time, to eat food according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is known for its healthy qualities and benefits in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease.
Special nutritional guidelines for pregnancy
- Weight gain during pregnancy
Normal weight before pregnancy and weight gain within the desired range increases the chance of a favorable pregnancy outcome.
Such weight gain reduces the risk of increased blood pressure during pregnancy, preeclampsia, pregnancy diabetes, the need for cesarean section and the birth of a premature baby, and also favorably affects the health of the fetus, both for short and long term. Therefore, we recommend that pregnant women undergo periodic checks at the Tipat Halav / Women's Health Center with a doctor, nurse and nutritionist to monitor their weight, detect early poor nutrition and receive proper nutrition instruction.
In the first three months, weight gain of 0.5 - 2 kg is taken into account.
* The recommended weight gain during pregnancy with multiple fetuses is different and requires expert judgment.
- Regular mealsRegular meals throughout the day are recommended (main and intermediate meals). During each meal, it is recommended to combine products of various kinds.
Pregnant women often suffer from heartburn and nausea. Eating a variety of foods, frequent small meals and thoroughly chewing food, despite the discomfort, in most cases alleviate the symptoms. Partial separation of food and drink, eating dry foods such as low-fat crackers or crackers, and refraining from sodas and fried fats can also alleviate the condition.
- Determining the amount of food needed The amount of food apregnant woman needs depends on her age, physical activity, height, weight, and health.
It is recommended to consult with a nutritionist to determine the required amount of food in accordance with individual needs. - Using information on product labels Werecommend that you read the product label, which contains important information about the composition of the product, its storage and use. During pregnancy, it is especially important to follow the instructions.
Also, you need to pay attention to the composition and energy value indicated on the product packaging, and choose products according to the recommendations.
Important components of nutrition during pregnancy
- WaterIt is necessary to drink enough fluid during pregnancy (two liters of fluid per day is recommended). The recommended drink is water.
It is recommended to drink water both during meals and after it. The recommended amount of water varies from woman to woman and depends on the degree of physical activity and environmental conditions.
Light urine is a good indicator of adequate fluid intake.
Water prevents dehydration and reduces the risk of harm to the fetus and premature contractions. - Fiber-richfoods It is recommended that you eat fiber-rich foods at every meal.
Fibers are found in whole grains (for example, oatmeal and whole flour bread), legumes, fruits and vegetables. During pregnancy, some women suffer from constipation. Increased intake of fiber-rich foods (combined with adequate fluid intake) can help streamline the digestive tract and help prevent chronic diseases. - Calcium Rich Foods
- Calcium is necessary for a pregnant woman and a developing fetus. Calcium is important for building bones, for the functioning of the circulatory system and muscles, and for the growth of healthy teeth and their protection. Therefore, during pregnancy, the body's need for calcium increases.
- The main sources of calcium: milk and dairy products, canned fish (sardines) with bones, drinks and soy products (enriched with calcium).
Additional Calcium Sources: Whole Sesame Thin, Almonds, White Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc. - Recommended Dietary SupplementsDuring pregnancy, the following nutritional supplements are recommended:
- IodineIt is recommended to take 150-250 micrograms, at least a month before the start of pregnancy, during pregnancy and during lactation.
Iodine is an important and beneficial element for health at all stages of life. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, especially before pregnancy, both during and during feeding, for the normal development of the brain of the fetus and newborn.
The main sources of iodine in food: seaweed, sea fish (and seafood), dairy products (especially natural milk), eggs and iodized salt (usually contains 30 μg of iodine per 1 g of salt).
You can also purchase nutritional supplements, with or without a prescription, with a different iodine content (75 - 220 micrograms of iodine in each tablet). Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of cognitive developmental defects that can be prevented. Iodine deficiency can cause decreased thyroid function, endemic goiter, and physical and mental retardation caused by severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy (cretinism). Even a small iodine deficiency during pregnancy, breastfeeding or during childhood can cause irreversible damage to the developing brain and nervous system, and thus reduce mental abilities at school age and at later stages.
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